Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Social networking: makes our life better or worse?

Picture link : http://latinlink.usmediaconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Social-media.jpg
Have you ever thought how different your life would be without social networking? Does it make your life better or worse? Do you remember the old days when you didn't know what Facebook or Twitter are? You didn't need to spend a lot of time everyday strolling up and down in your smart phone just to update what is happening out there. In this project, I will be focusing on analyzing the positive and negative effects of social networking to our life. More specific, how it changes our life in several perspective (political, economic, business, society, yourself....). Through the project, I want reader to perceive a proper way to utilize social networking to make our life better and minimize the threat from abusing it!          


Friday, September 11, 2015